Sunday, March 1, 2009

Renae - this is stupid - I don't know how to edit my stupid posts - I need to put an apostrophe in on "they're"  This is why I haven't done this since Halloween.  I need to go make dinner! Stupid!


Dapper & Dainty said...

Oh Shelly. You are so funny!
I will be hosting a Blog tutorials class the weekend of June 27th if you can make it. It's called Blogging 101. Please bring a pen, notebook and any questions you have and I will be happy to assist my students.
The cost is one long road trip up to Utah!:)

Renae said...

Just quit and fully commit yourself to facebook 24-7. Nobody cares how you spell there. ;)

The Simmons Family said...

Crazy... I dont' know how I found your blog... but I did. You all look great!! You only had three kids when we lived in the townhomes... now you doubled that. I'm impressed.

Thank you for all you guys did for us when you lived in our ward. Seriously... you both were great.. and you probably didn't even realize you did anything.

We live in S. Gilbert.. Kamryn is 9.. and after 8 yrs of trying for baby 2... we were blessed with Owen. Our little miracle with 1/2 a heart.. and now he's waiting for a transplant. We couldn't feel more blessed than to have every minute we are given with him.

I don't know if you check your blog much.. but come by and visit if you want.
